How a Merchant Cash Advance Can Help You Expand and Upgrade Your Restaurant

January 2nd 2017 at 12:22pm Published by sharpshooteradmin

Regardless of how good their food is, restaurant owners get to face competition at all times. It could be competition from that recently opened Thai food joint down the road, or it could be competition coming from any other established vendor, but the competition is there to make you fret and forget what you were out looking for originally.

As a restaurant owner it is necessary that you keep focusing on your goals, regardless of whatever competition you get to face during your times in operation. Maintaining success as a restaurant owner is not a mean feat at all, and you should be looking to get the best out of it.

Most restaurants fail within a year of their start, which is partly because they don’t have an eye on future improvement and growth. If you have your eye set on future improvement and growth, then a merchant cash advance is something that can benefit you in ways more than one.

A merchant cash advance is basically a method through which you can avail a cash advance for the time being, which you pay through a fixed percent of your daily sales. Most businesses dread the option of external assistance or advances because of the repayment period and interest that comes with it. Merchant cash advances aren’t made this way and can really help you prioritize your growth and improve your operations.

Here we look at just a few things you can do towards expanding and upgrading your restaurant once you have a merchant cash advance with you.

Add New Delights to the Menu

Restaurant owners are always looking to add new things to their menu. Now, even a single addition comes with numerous other expenses. When you’re adding something to the menu, you also have to incur the costs of buying the machinery and kitchen equipment that comes with preparing that specific item.

A merchant cash advance can help you with saving costs for such an expense, so that you are able to get the right additions to the menu in the manner you want.


While the money from a merchant cash advance cannot really be used for totally redesigning your space, we believe that you surely can redecorate your space with the amount. By redecorating we mean that you should come up with new designs for your masses. Allow your customers to be wooed over by new designs and impress them going forward.

Expand Seating

You can expand the number of people you cater to by expanding seating within your current facility, or you could also open up a new branch in a completely new location. The merchant cash advance can help you with both options.